This is still an awesome app, with the option to finally get rid of ads for good, this is still getting back to shape. As for new things, I wanted you to maybe add the ability to share pictures in private messages. Also, i would like you to enhance the blocking option, because your type of blocking is completely dumb. I want a full block, where they wont be able to see my posts. I dont want to be private any longer. Another suggestion, is there any way we can get an offline mode? I cant find wifi quite often where I am and Im so in love with this game. Since I play with bots all the time, why not? Pair up a person with a bot for offline mode. Yet another suggestion, if a person hasnt played in a while, or like a year or so, can you remove them from the leaderboard? Also, find the time to update more topics, you strand a lot of topics from getting updates and I want an update on my topic. (Selena Gomez) this girl has a new album and I would love to be quizzed over it. Thanks.
Lady goofy about
QuizUp®, v2.2.9